
One of the most important ways to extend the behavior of an EntityService are the events triggered by the service. The AbstractEntityService class is fully event driven. Even the repository used by the service is triggered via the same event. This allows the user to prevent the real execution of the repository. Or modify the data that will be processed. E.g. add extra criteria to a find event to fetch only elements that are owned by the current signed in user. Or add the id of the current persisted entity.

Each event handler has a execution priority, the repository is executed on priority 0. It is not recommended to attach other listeners at the same priority since the order of execution is not guaranteed by zend-eventmanager. Each method triggers a single event so priority is required to manipulate the order of execution. Use positive numbers to be able to execute your handler before the repository or negative numbers to execute your handler post repository.

Be aware of the fact that you won't be able to stop propagation after the repository was executed. Validation or any other shortcut to prevent the repository from execution have to be done pre-repository.

Available events

In this chapter all default events of the AbstractEntityServices are described.


Parameter description
criteria Can be a Criteria object or an array


Parameter description
entity Object to remove


Parameter description
criteria Can be a Criteria object or an array


Parameter description
id Id of the entity to find


No parameters available


Parameter description
criteria Can be a Criteria object or an array


Parameter description
criteria Can be a Criteria object or an array


Parameter description
entity Entity to flush, can be null


Parameter description
entity Entity to persist


Parameter description
entities Entities to flush, can be null